Principles of Modern Avionics

المؤلف NAGALAKSHMI | الناشر I.k. International

سنة النشر 2018

الترقيم الدولي 9789385909894

نوع الغلاف غلاف عادي

The book presents the conceptual foundations of modern avionics systems. Specifically, it contains a discussion of the principles underlying the prominent devices, circuits, sensors and subsystems used in avionics, complemented by an overview of the avionics design and certification processes. Following the discussion of foundational principles the book also presents the state of the art in civilian and military avionics, and concludes with a preview of the imminent advances in avionics. The book is concise, yet considerably comprehensive. Salient Features: Emphasis on foundational principles of avionics. Description of the prominent avionics systems Concise overview of the design and certification standards for avionics Discussion of the state of the art in civilian and military avionics. Case studies of avionics in Boeing 787 Dreamliner and F-35 Lightning II fighter aircraft. Table of Contents: 1. Overview of Modern Avionics 2. Avionics Systems: Design and Certification 3. Principles of Avionics 4. Sensors 5. Avionics in Civilian Aircraft 6. Avionics in Military Aircraft 7. Future of Avionics


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