Author Rao | Publisher TRINITY

Publish Year 2018

ISBN 9789352742837

Book Cover Paperback Cover

Welcome to the Third edition of Organizational Behaviour. During the last five years, the book has received overwhelming support from students, teachers and researchers all over India. The clear writing style, cutting edge content, research focus and interesting examples have turned the book into a hot selling proposition for over 5 years now. In the interim, the way individuals, groups and organizations have adapted to a dynamic and ever-changing environment has attracted the attention of researchers and academicians all over the globe. As things stand now, the subject matter is inundated with articles, books, case studies and research reports - trying to capture the dynamic nature of human relationships in an organizational setting. As a result, the authors are forced to carry out a careful balancing act incorporating the latest thinking in the field. To cut the excess fat, a radical surgery has been carried out. New topics have been added; live examples have come to enrich the theoretical content, lots of skill building exercises and lateral thinking puzzles have found their way into the text.


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نحن ندرك تماماً أهمية حماية خصوصية المعلومات التي تزودونا بها, فمكتبة الأنجلو المصرية لا تشارك معلوماتكم الشخصية مع أي شركات أخرى لأهداف تسويقية او غيرها. المعلومات التي نطلبها تستخدم فقط بواسطة المكتبة لكى نتمكن من ارسال الطلبات فى دقه و سرعة الى العنوان المذكور سياسة ارجاع السلع يمكن ارجاع الكتب المباعة فى خلال اربعة عشر يوما من تاريخ الشراء و يتم حساب تكاليف الشحن على العميل لكن فى حاله ان هناك خطأ فى الارسال او المنتج يتم تحمل تكاليف الشحن بالكامل على المكتبة اما بالنسبة للاختبارات النفسية لا يمكن استرجاعها لاى سبب كان الا اذا كان هناك خطأ فى الشحن من طرفنا

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